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Oh heck, new design?
Yeah, this whole thing has been rearranged now. Shipmind is here.
So, why the rearrangement? Well, it was kind of a silly thing. We started posting Shipmind on here, and we didn’t want blog posts in between the chapters and vice versa. That led to us not wanting to make non-Shipmind posts. The new layout separates that out and (maybe?) solves the problem.
It’s also an excuse to learn how Hugo works.
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Streaming Satisfactory
We’ve been kind of neglecting this blog, haven’t we? Oh well. Best way to change that is to start posting again. In any case, hi! I’m Querral and this is my first solo post on here, though I may have… heavily influenced the reverse engineering series.
Yesterday, after weeks of talking about it, I finally attempted a game stream. I took a poll on my mastodon last week and Satisfactory won, so I started a new game of that.
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ReVVVVVVerse Engineering
Who’s reverse-engineering game data files for fun again? That’s right, it’s me.
I decided to go digging into VVVVVV this time around. Turns out there’s not a whole lot to it. Everything is wrapped up in a file called, which is just a standard zip file.
Spritesheets are just PNGs. Sound effects are wave files. Levels are XML documents which have been given a .vvv extension for some reason.
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